Non-Surgical Treatments

Anti-wrinkle injections


Treatment time: 30 minutes

Skin types/conditions:

Hyperpigmented skin, uneven skin tone

Treatment Description

Smooth away your frown lines: Anti-wrinkle injections are a fantastic treatment for reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the upper face. They can be used to treat a number of concerns such as forehead wrinkles, eleven lines (between the eyebrows), frown lines and crow’s feet. They can also be used to lift the eyebrows in a non-surgical brow lift.

Dermal filler

from£ –

Price upon consultation

Treatment Description

Dermal fillers are small injections of gel, typically made up of hyaluronic acid, that fill in wrinkles and a dd volume to soft tissue

What Are Dermal Fillers?

Your skin consists of two layers: the outer layer called the epidermis, and the inner layer called the dermis. The dermis is made up of cells known as fibroblasts which produce collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, which are important components in maintaining healthy, youthful looking skin. As we age, the amount of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid decreases and this decline causes the skin to become droopy, less resilient, and develop wrinkles or folds. Many topical anti-ageing products affect only the epidermis, but for truly amazing results, treatments must penetrate through this outer layer and target the cells of the dermis as well. Facial fillers are one of the safest and least invasive ways to dramatically reduce the signs of ageing and restore depleted collagen or hyaluronic acid. The dermal filler is injected under the skin using a fine needle.

Fat-dissolving injections


Treatment Description

Fat-dissolving injections are incredible compounds that work to break down the membranes of fat cells beneath the skin, which are typically resistant to exercise. Commonly used to treat submental fat (‘double chin’) and pockets of fat around the abdomen/tummy area, thighs, arms and back fat, a course of regular fat-dissolving injections can yield permanent results. For stubborn pockets of fat which simply won’t shift, fat-dissolving injections offer a long-term solution in the problem areas which bother you most. This is an excellent non-surgical treatment for people who maintain a healthy diet and exercise regime but who are still struggling to tone specific areas of the body, like the stomach and ‘double chin’ area.

Skin booster

from£ –

Treatment time: 30 minutes

Price upon consultation

Treatment Description

Face, neck, eyes and hands

An injectable moisturiser for ultra-hydration, skin booster is a miracle skin-booster. Hailed as a bio-remodelling innovation, skin booster features the highest level of concentrated hyaluronic acid on the market. It stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, key proteins for full, smooth, wrinkle-free skin. Elastin fibres become more susceptible to wear and tear as we age and the production of collagen naturally slows down, so this simple procedure can help to not only slow down the signs of ageing but protect against it too. Both hydration and tightening can be achieved, improving facial volume, eradicating fine lines and wrinkles, and deeply nourishing the skin to help reduce sagging and dry skin.
Skin booster boasts a low-level inflammatory response and is therefore considered to be a safe and effective treatment. Due to the high patient satisfaction rate and efficacy, skin booster is deservedly one of the most popular all-round anti-ageing treatments available.

Eye rejuvenation treatment


Treatment time: 30 minutes

Treatment Description

Many of our patients come to us without specifically knowing what treatment they need, and something we hear frequently is “I just look tired”. Tired eyes are a common complaint and can be made up of a number of conditions, including dark circles, eye bags, puffy eyes, drooping eyelids, and wrinkles.

PRP Skin and Hair growth


Treatment time: 60 minutes

Price upon consultation

Treatment Description

What is a PRP Skin and Hair growth

A plasma boost for your skin:

This collagen facelift is lovingly given its name due to the technique of using the platelet-rich plasma in the patient’s own blood to trigger collagen growth, cell renewal, lifting, toning and tightening of the skin. Through using the body’s own resources, the growth factors in the plasma are injected back into the skin to give full facial rejuvenation as they work to replace lost collagen and elastin and repair the cells both beneath and on the surface of the skin. This leaves the skin both radiant and volumised, restoring your youthful look.

Lip blush



Lip Blush (also known as Lip Tattoo or Permanent Lipstick) is a professional cosmetic and aesthetic procedure that uses a machine similar to a tattoo machine to implant colour pigment (of the client’s choice) into the dermis of the lips, resulting in fuller and more defined looking lips.




Moles / warts / plantar warts, seborrheic keratosis, keloids, skin tags, verrucas, pigmentation, age spots, sun damage, non-recurrent basal cell, molluscum, actinic keratosis, lentigo, dermatofibroma.
That depends on the size of the mole, skin tag, wart, verruca or other skin issue. It also depends on the roots of the particular skin problem. It may take up to 3 treatments. However, you will see a noticeable difference after just one treatment. It may be that 4 weeks after just one treatment, the skin issue has fallen off and all redness is gone.
CryoPen is one of the most advanced forms of Cryotherapy used in the medical world today. Targeted liquid nitrogen (reaching temperatures as low as -320f, freezes off the mole, wart, verruca, skin tags, age spots, sun damage, pigmentation or other relevant skin lesions. The intense coldness causes the treated area to die by killing the blood supply that was keeping it alive. No harm is done to any area outside the area that is being treated
You will notice an extreme cold sensation due to the Cryotherapy. However, the coldness, like an ice cube, is only on the treated area and you will find that you get used to the sensation within a few seconds. It does not hurt but may feel numb very briefly.
Children from age 6 can be treated for warts and verrucas. A letter of consent from the doctor is required and the parent or guardian does need to be present at the clinic. You need to be 18 or over to have a mole removed.
Unfortunately, it is unlikely that your GP, doctors or the NHS will remove moles, warts, verrucas or skin tags as the procedure is deemed to be cosmetic. We will treat them safely here at the Buckinghamshire skin clinic in Beaconsfield.

Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture


Treatment time: 45 minutes

Treatment Description

This treatment involves the insesion of fine Japanese neeldes into the superficial tissues of the face. These neeldes create a small non-invasive micro-trauma, initiating a natural stimulation of cellular repair, collagen, and elasten production. This bulids a the skin elasity giving a more youthful and regenerates appearance.
The Accupunture facial rehydrates, tones, and reduces the appearance of fines and wrinkles, hyper/hypo-pigmentation, and more

Natural Face Lift Massage

from£45 £85

Treatment time: 30 minutes & 1 hour

Treatment Description

This amazing Face Lifting Massage treatment incorporates a unique blend of highly effective massage techniques including Acupressure, drawn from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Indian Face Massage and the ever popular Lymphatic Drainage Massage, helping to rid the body of toxins.
The Natural Face Lift Massage involves flowing techniques which act as a natural face lift. This can be used as an alternative to surgery, helping you feel and look younger. It is designed to be a gentle non-invasive approach to looking younger. It works primarily by freeing constrictions both within the facial muscles and in the connective tissue.

Mesotherapy for scalp


Treatment Description

Mesotherapy is a non-invasive, non-surgical alternative treatment for hair loss as well as other cosmetic conditions. The treatment has been used to re-educate the scalp to produce the right and healthy amount of hair follicles by inserting a micro needle underneath the epidermis. Reaching the middle layer (the mesoderm) approximately 1mm, the aesthetician is then able to inject the correct micro nutrients and substances. As a result, hair will go through the natural regeneration and proliferation processes.

Natural Face Lift Massage (Facial Rejuvenation)

At the pace we live our lives, we all have tension that builds up in our scalp, face, neck and shoulder muscles. This can encourage ageing and the formation of wrinkles as the face loses its muscle tone and elasticity and begins to sag. Many of us would love to release these tension hot spots, reduce wrinkles and take much needed time out for ourselves.

Benefits of Natural Face Lift Massage (Facial Rejuvenation):

In order to retain the new muscle tone and texture of the skin, Natural Face Lift Massage Treatments are recommended initially at weekly intervals for 6 weeks to get the skin to an optimum condition followed by monthly maintenance sessions.
Through gentle massage of the face, we can help to delay the ageing process. This is achieved by using effective Natural Face Lift Massage techniques and energy balancing, thereby giving the facial muscles a lift and a new lease of life.

Anti-wrinkle injections

Does it hurt?

Anti-wrinkle injections are generally a comfortable treatment that is well tolerated. You may feel a little sensitivity at the point of application, though this can be minimised through the use of a topical numbing cream prior to treatment. If you have any concerns, please discuss this with us at your consultation and we will be happy to help alleviate your concerns.

Are there any side effects?

As with any injectable treatment, there is a possibility of some minor side effects. Most commonly, these may include: bruising, swelling, redness, tenderness, itching and sensitivity at the point of application. Any potential side effects will be discussed during a pre-treatment consultation. Any swelling will typically subside within around 48 hours and bruising can be easily concealed with makeup.

What result can I expect?

You can expect to see a reduction in the appearance of lines and wrinkles at the point of application and immediate surrounding area, giving you a more youthful look. We always aim to ensure that results appear natural as opposed to ‘frozen’, which is a common concern for people looking to undergo this treatment. The result will continue to develop after the treatment, and you will enjoy a refreshed and rejuvenated look to your upper face.

Dermal filler

With one quick treatment, you can restore volume and firmness to your skin, enhance facial contours, and improve the look of indented acne scars. Many topical anti-ageing products affect only the epidermis, but for truly amazing results, treatments must penetrate through this outer layer and target the cells of the dermis as well.

Side Effects of Facial Fillers

Fat-dissolving injections

How does it work?

We inject at various points across your problem area. The fat-dissolving product works to break down the membranes of the fat cells beneath the skin, causing them to become unstable and eventually flush out via the lymphatic system. This ‘flushing’ process may take around 6-8 weeks, at which point you’ll be able to enjoy your results! Fat-dissolving injections are designed for body contouring, not for weight loss.

Does it hurt?

Some mild discomfort may occur during treatment application due to the nature of this being an injectable treatment. Although discomfort is generally minimal, we can use a numbing cream to help with pain management should this be required.

Are there any side effects?

Fat-dissolving injections work by causing an inflammatory reaction, and therefore you may experience some swelling for up to 5 days post treatment. This is usually mild, and can be controlled using cool pads. Due to how the treatment works, you should not manage any side effects with anti-inflammatory medicines as this will counteract the treatment. You may notice some temporary reddening of the skin, or itching, but this is normal and will gradually reduce over a few days.

What result can I expect?

You can expect it to take approximately 2-3 weeks before you start to see a reduction in fatty deposits around the chin and jawline, giving a slimmer and less wobbly appearance to the face and helping to eliminate double chins and jowls. For larger areas, you will begin to notice the effects after 2-3 weeks but should allow up to 8 weeks for the final result to be apparent. Typically, 1-3 treatments will be required to achieve your desired result, but this will be discussed in your pre-treatment consultation along with your expectations. This treatment has a high patient satisfaction rate. We will only treat patients who are within 1 stone of their ideal body weight and around 3cm of pinchable fat, as this treatment is not intended as a weight loss solution.

How many treatments will I need?

For body treatments, 4-6 sessions.
For chin treatments, 1-3 sessions

Skin Booster

Does it hurt?

Skin Booster is administered through fine needles, meaning that is more comfortable than many injectable treatments. Popular with patients of all ages and concerns, Skin Booster is a treatment that doesn’t usually cause too much discomfort, but we can also apply a topical numbing cream.

Are there any side effects?

You may experience a little stinging or, in very sensitive skin, some bumps at the point of injection. However, these will soon subside post treatment. Any potential side effects will be discussed at your pre-treatment consultation.

What result can I expect?

Skin Booster is an extremely versatile treatment that tackles many conditions. Following your treatment, you can expect your skin to be fully rejuvenated and hydrated with a powerful glow. The ingredients in Skin Booster are designed to work with you skin to give a lifting and tightening effect through stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. This means you will leave with an all-round refreshed look. Fine lines and wrinkles can also be eradicated with Skin Booster. A fantastic treatment to combat creepy skin on the neck, we recommend Skin Booster to many of our patients who are looking to achieve their ‘red carpet’ confidence.

Is it safe?

Skin Booster boasts an exceptional safety record. Any concerns will be discussed at your pre-treatment consultation.

Eye rejuvenation treatment

As we age, the production of collagen and elastin in our skin becomes impaired and this can be a primary cause of many ageing-related symptoms. The skin around our eyes is particularly delicate. In the hollows under the eyes (tear troughs), the skin is very thin and decreased hydration causes it to appear darker and makes us look tired. The eyelids may also begin to sag, which makes our brows drop and our eyes look less wide and less alert, which are both characteristics associated with youth. Additionally, over time, repeated smiling, laughing and even talking – all perfectly normal day-to-day functions – can also contribute to wrinkles around the eyes as the muscles form crevices into which the skin settles and presents as a wrinkle.

The use of amino acids to replace these lost proteins and restore volume is our popular approach to a lot of these concerns.

PRP Skin and Hair growth

Does it hurt?

This treatment is a full facial rejuvenation treatment. Some discomfort may be experienced as it involves a number of injections to the face which could feel a little sensitive. We take patient comfort very seriously and will do all we can to ensure that any sensitivity is minimised. This may be through the use of numbing cream to help ease any discomfort.

How long do the benefits of PRP skin and hair growth last?

So, how often do you need a PRP skin and hair growth to maintain your skin’s optimum results? The answer varies depending on how closely you follow the treatment & aftercare instructions. If you take good particularly care of your skin after the therapy, then the effects will last much longer. When done correctly, the results of a PRP skin and hair growth can last for 6-8 months. With the initial course of treatments completed, you’ll only need to have the one maintenance injection every so often to keep those effects going and keep your skin looking great.

Are there any side effects?

As the content of the injection is taken from your own blood supply, the side effects are minimal. These tend to be slight stinging, tenderness or bruising at the point of application, or in some cases (though rare) some temporary bleeding at the site of the injection.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy for Hair Loss

PRP therapy for hair loss is a similar cosmetic three-step medical treatment in which only the third step differs to the PRP skin and hair growth. To encourage hair regeneration, a person’s blood is drawn, separated in the centrifuge, and the platelet-rich plasma is then drawn up into a syringe and injected into specific areas of the scalp that require increased hair growth. The PRP injections are intended to trigger natural hair growth and, more importantly, to maintain it by increasing the blood supply to the hair follicle as well as increasing the thickness of the original hair shaft. This approach is sometimes combined with other complementary hair loss procedures or medications to increase the probability of hair regeneration in the individual.